Bilin / Chaha GHAE Series Labioveler Extensions
The logical series of 5 extensions for the Bilin and Chaha GHAE consonant series were found in one German references (not available). They are also provided in the ModEth software font tables. It is not known by what languages the extensions are used [15] :
Admas Concepts Generic Labioveler Extensions
The following series of 5 labiovelar extensions were introduced in 1994 by one software provider as a means to provide extended lalibalized forms phonetically when a unique letter was not available. PWAE for example would be rendered with P + WAE (the first of the series below). The characters may be found in Multilingual Emacs.
These extensions are not in use by the writing systems of any language. They should then be considered private use characters.
Infrequent Dikala-Rab' Orders
The Dikala-Rab' orders of SZAE, YAE, and PAE are sometimes encountered in Ethiopic manuscripts. These forms may be given code assignment without compromising the current matrix and without the requirement that the characters reside in the extension zone. Logical address are given [4, 5, 8, 9, 10] :
U+1247 U+130F U+1377
Leslau Extensions For Chaha