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When the need arises that new members must be devised for the Fidel writing system, it is recommended that:
The appearance of new characters resemble the nearest phonic relative already a member of the standard.
New characters that will be the modification of existing members; let the modification be distinct so as to be unmistakable at different point sizes and of both printed and hand written qualities.
Use existing diacritical marks, do not devise new ones. This facilitates learning of the new letter. Should a new diacritic be required for a proposed character, the basic shape of the character should be reconsidered.
The arm and circle diacritic () is favored for Dikala-Ge'ez form of the consonant over the Sabi or 7th order.
The arm and circle diacritic may be acceptable for the 7th order when it is known priori and without
uncertainty that the Dikala-Ge'ez order does not occur naturally in the languages for which
it is proposed.
The overline joining two dots () mark should not be used as a diacritic. It is favored
to denote a new consonant series that is phonically similar to an existing series.
The extended foot diacritic () is favored for the Dikala-Rab' order of
new characters vs the overline. Argument must be presented when
is not acceptable.