Daniel's Ethiopic Number Algorithm #4

For one reason or another during the last four years it seems necessary that each year I write a new number algorithm for converting Arabic numbers into Ethiopic. Usually this happens as a memory test that fails and then a new algorithm is created and new insight gained. This year I was finally getting around to HTMLing last year's algorithm but couldn't find it! I tried to rediscover it from some computer code but ended up inventing yet another algorithm.

I think this one is pretty simple, I've tried to emphasize that in the presentation below. The key is that numbers are read in groups of 2 and each group gets the same conversion process. There is only a single special rule that is discussed at the end:

1)7,654,321 Start with an arbitrary number.
2)[07] [65] [43] [21]  From left to right group numbers in sets of 2.
3)[07]3[65]2[43]1[21]0 We'll add subscripts for book keeping.
4)[07]3[60+5]2[40+3]1[20+1]0 Now expand the sets into 10's and 1's.
5)([7])3([60][5])2([40][3])1([20][1])0 Write expansions as seperate numbers.
6)()3()2()1()0 Go ahead and convert to Ethiopic numbers.
7) () + (3 * {}) () + (2 * {}) () + (1 * {}) () + (0 * {}) The subscripts now tell how many 's we need.
8) () + (++) () + (+) () + () () + (0)
9) () + (+) () + () () + () () + (0) Reduce as per = +
10) Group...
11) Collect and we're done!


Note! Except for when we use subscript ``0'' (the far right side) there is a rule that 1's in the 1's place are absorbed by an , , or on the right. So if we changed the ``5'' in [65]2 to a ``1'' in the above; the reduction would go: as

3)[07]3[61]2[43]1[21]0 We'll add subscripts for book keeping.
:  :    :    :    :     :
9) () + (+) () + () () + () () + (0) Reduce as per = +
10) Group...

The interesting consequence then is that can only appear in the one's place (the far right)!