BEFORE STARTING First, check if you have the GNU C compiler on your system. You may do this by typing "gcc" at your command line. If you get any message other than "gcc: Command not found.", then most likely you do have it. If not, you will be able to compile most of the files with regular "cc" but the "coco" executable. You may then wish build everything else and obtain a copy of "coco" from a friend who compiled on a machine just like yours. Sorry about this, it should not be a limitation in the future. To unpack : tar -zxvf sera2ps-2.3.8.tar.gz ( or in two steps : gunzip sera2ps-2.3.8.tar.gz tar -xvf sera2ps-2.3.8.tar ) TO COMPILE: % make - makes everything. % make clean - removes unnecessary files. You should now be ready to laser print the sample files in the "docs" directory. Read the "README" file for usage instructions. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE gcc AND flex You should then have ``cc'' and ``lex''. You may edit the sera2/Makefile in lines 2 and 5 for gcc and flex. DEFAULT LANGUAGE You may change the default language rules by editing commenting out and uncommenting the choices on lines 29-31 of the sera2/sera2.c file. Tigrigna rules are the default if no change is made. Installing Man Pages --------------------- The files docs/pssera.1, docs/sera.1, docs/sera2any.1 are provided man page instructions for Unix systems. If you can not install the man pages into a system man directory. You may create your own man directory by: % cd sera2ps-2.3.8 % mkdir man % mkdir man/man1 % cp docs/*.1 man/man1 % setenv MANPATH $MANPATH":"$PWD/man % man pssera % man sera % man sera2any It is more practical to set your new MANPATH in your .cshrc file where the $PWD/man directory in the above is replaced the complete path name for your man directory. Libeth And DOS I/O ------------------ If you expect to go between DOS and Unix regularly you may wish to compile libeth to perform DOS text conversions. DOS I/O is NOT the default compilation for libeth as it slows down the transliteration performance for large files. Follow the directions in sera2/README.dosio to install for DOS support.