Convert SERA Text Into Ethiopic Output Systems SERA2ANY 0.25 ============= sera2any is a utility for converting Ge'ez text written in SERA into other useful systems. Currently supported output types are Unicode, JIS, JUNET, Java, Agafari, ALXEthiopian, Feedel, and WashRa. Support for additional MS Windows font systems should be forthcoming. SERA2Any will hopefully have an X interface soon and should also become an ``Any2Any'' type tool. The purpose of the project is to provide a SERA and Unicode I/O utility to make the different MS Windows Ethiopic font systems communicatable. That is you can import a ``WashRa'' file into any software when you only have ``Feedel'' fonts installed. Or convert the WashRa file into SERA and email it to a friend. An MS Windows Interface would make the tool a great asset to the community. People knowledgeable in Visual Basic who would like to contribute to this project please contact . HOW TO USE ---------- After successful installation you may use your favorite ASCII editor to write a SERA style Latin file. sera2any can then convert the file into one of the supported outputs. sera2any writes output to standard out and error messages to standard error. Options (below) may be used in combination, Generic Usage: sera2any [options] filein > fileout Real Example: sera2any -o jis-html -stats -l amh etc/fidel > fidel.html sera2any -o washra-rtf -l amh etc/fidel > fidel.rtf Options Are As Follows: -c Map ASCII colon, ``:'', to Ge'ez colon (-:) and not to the default Ge'ez wordspace (:). Ge'ez word space may now only be given by `: . -fromdos The input file is DOS text, strip out DOS ^M end of line characters. Output will be in Unix text. This option impacts parsing speed and is only available when sera2any is compiled for DOS sup- port. -h Echoes help list to stderr and exits. -html Forces HTML conversion, leaving text between < and > or & and ; as Latin. -l LL(L) Set starting language to that specified by LL or LLL where LL(L) is an ISO-639 two or three letter identifier. Supported languages are: am(h), ge(z), la(t), & ti(r). -o system Specify output of type system. System defaults as JUNET or may be one of: agafari, alxet, feedel, sera, jis, java, unicode, or washra. Appending -html to the system forces the scanner to leave as Latin all text between < and > or & and ;. Example: -o uni [Unicode Output] -o jis-html [JIS Output With HTML Filtering] -q Map ASCII question mark, ``?'', to Ge'ez 3-Dot question mark (`?) and not to the default Ge'ez stylized question mark (?). The use of ? and `? in SERA text are now reversed. -rtf Output in Rich Text Format. Supported for Agafari, ALXEthiopian, Feedel, and Washra fonts currently. -s Map ASCII space, `` '', to Ge'ez wordspace (:). -stats system Provides a Fidel table with statistical output of character occurrences into the files ``fidel.stats'' and sorted statistics in ``fidel2.stats''. System defaults as sera or may be one of junet, jis, alxet, agafari, feedel, unicode, or washra. Appending -html to the system name will format the statistics output for HTML. Example: -stats jis-html -todos The input file is Unix text, insert DOS ^M end of line characters. Output will be in DOS text. This option impacts parsing speed and is only available when sera2any is compiled for DOS support. -v Echo version number and exit. BUGS ---- If bugs are found in the sera2any converter, please email them to: or (if the ETA really shuts us down) SERA ---- Extended documents for The System for Ethiopic Representation in ASCII (SERA) by World Wide Web at : and The file "etc/fidel" gives an outline of the ASCII system. Also sera man page are now provided. Briefly, characters are representation goes like : Consonants: me mu mi ma mE m mo mWa Independent Vowels: e/a* u/U i a/A E I o/O e3 Independent Vowels Following a 6th Form Consonant: l'e l'u l'i l'a l'E l'I l'o also --> lU lA lI lO Consonants With 12 forms: hWe hWu/hW' hWi hWa hWE *NOTE: ``a'' may be used in place of ``e'' for the first lone vowel ONLY in Amharic text zones. See INSTALL for setting Amharic as a default language.