fffff BBBBBB nn RRRRRR ff fff BB BB nn RR RR f ff BB BB nn RR RR ff BB BB aaaaa nnnn RR RR ff BB BB aa aaa nnn RR RR fffff BBBBBB aa nn RR RR ff ffff BB BB aaaaa nn RRRRRR ff fff f BB BB aa aa nn RR RR ff ff BB BB aa aa nn RR RR ff BB BB aa aa nn RR RR ff BB BB aa aaa nn RR RR ff BBBBBB aaaa aa nn RR RR Fidel Banner 0.17 by Admas Concepts Intro ----- ``fbanner'' is provided for the Fidel script Unix user community to have the same utility for Fidel that ``banner'' provides for Latin script. fbanner uses phonetic input following the SERA convention for Fidel. fbanner works by converting BDF format fonts into large editible text. This principal allows for ease of use, and extension to, other font choices. What's New in Version 0.17 ? ---------------------------- o -g switch added to draw characters with Ge'ez letters. o revisions to work with libeth 0.33. It is *required* that you have pre-installed libeth v0.33 or later with this release of fbanner. Get LibEth from http://libeth.netpedia.net o cleaned up as per -Wall warnings. What's New in Version 0.16 ? ---------------------------- o Bug fixes from v0.15. o libeth's Unicode processing is compliant with June amendments to UTC-95-055A. What's New in Version 0.15 ? ---------------------------- Advanced text and character manipulation!! o Mirror image printing with -m o Rotated printing with -r, -rr, -rrr and +r +rr +rrr r = 90 degrees o Flip each letter on its horizontal axis with -fh o Flip each letter on its vertical axis with -fv Fidel banner now uses the ``libeth'' 0.1 beta motor. Unfortunately this will increase the size of the executable. If size truly prevents anyone from down loading and compiling fbanner, a minimal package w/o libeth can be provided. Flex support is added for libeth, and Fbanner has run successfully on top of Linux 1.2.13 and later. What's New in Version 0.14 ? ---------------------------- The Fbanner now relies on a SERA engine written in Lex -which may present new portability problems! The Ethiopic font now houses some 411 Fidel letters, numbers, punctuations, and glyphs. Fbanner now comes with a man page (fbanner.1) that you may install into your man path. Installation ------------ If you have down loaded the file fbanner-0.XY.tar.Z by ftp (set in binary transfer mode); enter the 2 command lines as follows (``XY'' is some number like ``16''): tar -zxvf fbanner-0.XY.tar.gz ( Or in 2 Steps : gunzip fbanner-0.XY.tar.gz tar -xvf fbanner-0.XY.tar ) You will find a new subdirectory with the name "fbanner-0.XY" that contains the fbanner source files. If you have obtained your copy of fbanner through encoded email, you will need to save the email message as a new file name and enter at the window command line : uudecode filename you will then discover a new file has been created with the name "fbanner-0.XY.tar.Z" . At this point follow the 2 commands given for the ftp instructions above. BEFORE COMPILING ---------------- We recommend you to make a directory in your account for holding font files. You may make this directory anywhere in your account, lets call it "FONTDIR" for now. % mkdir FONTDIR % cp fonts/*.bdf FONTDIR % [ edit line 4 of fban.h and replace ./fonts with FONTDIR -do NOT delete the " " marks! ] IF YOU DO NOT HAVE gcc You should then have ``cc'' and ``lex''. You may edit the Makefile in lines 2 and 5 for cc and lex. DEFAULT LANGUAGE You may change the default language rules by editing commenting out and uncommenting the choices on lines 12-14 of the fban.h file. Tigrigna rules are the default if no change is made. TO COMPILE: % make - makes everything. % make clean - removes unnecessary files. TO RUN: % fbanner < Hit RETURN or ENTER Key > -gives a full list of options Options Are: -a Print characters with alphabets. -fh Flip characters around horizontal axis. -fv Flip characters around vertical axis. -l LL(L) Use rules for language specified with ISO symbols LL or LLL: am(h), g(e)z, la(t), ti(g) -m Print words in mirror image. -r(rr) Rotate words -90 degrees for each ``r'' +r(rr) Rotate words +90 degrees for each ``r'' -s Print spaces `` '' with Ethiopic : -x X(X) Print characters using symbol ``X'' or ``XX'' -v Echo version number and exit. Example: % fbanner -a "f\Ba\ne\R" [ creates logo at top ] % fbanner -a "s2elam yonas!" "admas" % fbanner -r "s2elam yonas!" % fbanner -fh -x @ "s2elam yonas!" Installing Man Pages --------------------- The files etc/fbanner.1 and etc/sera.1 are provided man page instructions for Unix systems. If you can not install the man pages into a system man directory. You may create your own man directory by: % cd fbanner-0.XY % mkdir man % mkdir man/man1 % cp etc/*.1 man/man1 % setenv MANPATH $MANPATH":"$PWD/man % man fbanner % man sera It is more practical to set your new MANPATH in your .cshrc file where the $PWD/man directory in the above is replaced the complete path name for your man directory. For More Info On SERA --------------------- http://www.cs.indiana.edu/hyplan/dmulholl/fidel/sera-guide.ps http://www.cs.indiana.edu/hyplan/dmulholl/fidel/sera-faq.html and ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/fidel/sera-docs/